You got here because you did all the right things! Now to sustain growth, you need to put a few items in order. First, you need to make sure you have accurate, safe, complete data from all of your processes.
How do we do this? Data Strategy!
How do we maintain it? Data Governance!
At Data Into Dollars, we call these steps – Data Asset Management!
- Environment Assessment
- Business Model to Data Model Mappings
- Business Rules Definitions (Define Framework, Document)
- Data Movement Maps (Define Framework, Document)
- Data Governance (Define Framework, Establish)
- Metadata Management (Data Definitions)
- Metadata Framework & Process Definition
- Metadata Tool Evaluation
- Metadata Tool and Process Implementation
- Access Management (Define Framework, Establish, Report)
- Data Quality Controls – Edit what you know / Audit what you don’t
- Define Data Quality Controls
- Define Data Quality Measures
- Implement Data Quality Controls
- Implement Data Quality Tracking
- Data Security Measures
- Data Security Assessment
- Data Security Remediation Recommendations
- Data Retention Strategy
- Project Management for all services